3.6 KiB
I'm looking for a job in IT (Node.js, DevOps, sysadmin, back-end) remote or in Ardèche.
- I have 6 years of experience in the JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystems;
- I've used various Linux distros for 5 (Ubuntu-based, Arch and now NixOS);
- I'm interested in minimalism, efficiency and security (especially supply chain attacks).
If you're looking to hire someone or need someone to make and manage:
- a website;
- a Discord or Telegram bot;
- anything else really! Automation, systems administrations, etc.
Feel free to send me an email at
(my username)@proton.me
- Thanks!
this is my personal website.
This is a work in progress.
- No JavaScript
- No crazy CSS
- No videos
- No bullshit
Tasia (they/them)
I'm a Node.js TypeScript developer, specialized in DevOps, back-end development and supply chain security.
Assigned French at birth, currently living in the tech blog archipelago - UTC+0200
I speak English and French. Feel free to provide constructive criticism if needed.
I support FLOSS, anarchism, privacy and data sovereignty. Queer rights are human rights. Solarpunk is the way.
Version: 3.12
GCS d- s++:+ a--- C++ UL+++>++++ ++ P L+++ E--
W++ N- o? K- w-- O? M-- V? PS+++ PE-- Y+>++
PGP+ t? 5? X? R? !tv b+ DI? D+ G e h!>-- r++ z
how to reach me
- Keyoxide: F8F903DAEE2CC83176C3CF4620AB0EB62F687865
- Fediverse: @tasiaiso@kitsunes.club
- Secure Scuttlebutt:
- SimpleX: Contact address
- Matrix:
- E-Mail:
(my usual username)@proton.me
- PGP: A485B7C43AEC514B50A00F96857B004418AA6255
how to support me
If you like my posts, please consider supporting me on Liberapay or Ko-fi. Thank you!
- rss feed
- offline archives (.zim)
- gemini capsule
v1.0.2 (2024-0x-xx)
- add tea badge
- add linux badge
- add xeiaso badge
- move build scripts to a Makefile
- add johnvertisement
- use haml for the main template
v1.0.1 (2024-05-18)
- add links to my git accounts, ko-fi and liberapay
- add link to the apioform memetic page
- this is now an actual website
- fix wording
- add legal stuff at the bottom of the page
- now for hire
v1.0.0 (2024-05-09)
- fixed url paths bugs
- gruvbox theme
- modified page layout
- new meta fields (wip)
- added webring tilde.club
- added badge fediring, tildeclub & kitsulife
- updated bio
- updated build process
- posts now use yaml front matter
- posts date displayed in the nav menu
- updated keyoxide id
- added this changelog section (no way)