2022-08-29 18:57:43 +08:00

45 lines
1.1 KiB

### v1.0.7 (_2022-08-29_)
- feat: add sourcemap cli options for debugging
### v1.0.6 (_2022-08-25_)
- chore: update deps
- chore: use vite@3
### v1.0.5 (_2022-08-20_)
- fix: can not get import meta env variables in renderer
- feat: define env prefix
- feat: new official website released
### v1.0.4 (_2022-07-03_)
- fix: error occurs when the preload config is a function (by @Beiluola)
- fix: ELECTRON_RENDERER_URL is incorrect when host is true (by @Beiluola)
- feat: add sqlite3 module to rollup external option
### v1.0.3 (_2022-05-01_)
- fix: throw error when vite.config.\* file in root ([#3](https://github.com/alex8088/electron-vite/issues/3))
- feat: export splitVendorChunkPlugin from vite
- perf: build target for Electron 19
### v1.0.2 (_2022-03-31_)
#### Bug fixes
- fix: an error occurred when `tsconfig` file changed
### v1.0.1 (_2022-03-28_)
#### Prefs
- perf: no need to polyfill `Module Preload` for the Electron renderer ([82477b](https://github.com/alex8088/electron-vite/commit/82477b))
### v1.0.0 (_2022-03-17_)
#### Features
- electron-vite