2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
monitor-x86 add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
monitor-x86_64 add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
x86 add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
x86_64 add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
android.el add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
animal-sniffer-annotations-1.14.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
annotations-12.0.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
annotations-13.0.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
annotations-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
apkanalyzer-cli.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
apkanalyzer.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
archquery-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
asm-5.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
asm-analysis-5.1.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
asm-tree-5.1.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
asset-studio-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
baksmali-2.2.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
bcpkix-jdk15on-1.56.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
bcprov-jdk15on-1.56.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
binary-resources.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
builder-model-3.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
chimpchat-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
common-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
commons-codec-1.6.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
commons-compress-1.12.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
commons-logging-1.1.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
ddmlib-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
ddms-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
ddmuilib-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
devices.xml add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
dexlib2-2.2.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
dvlib-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
ecj-4.6.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
error_prone_annotations-2.0.18.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
explainer.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
fakeadbserver-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
fat32lib.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
generator.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
gson-2.3.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
guava-22.0.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
hierarchyviewer2lib-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
httpclient-4.2.6.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
httpcore-4.2.5.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
httpmime-4.1.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
intellij-core-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
j2objc-annotations-1.1.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jcommander-1.64.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jcommon-1.0.12.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jfreechart-1.0.9.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jfreechart-swt-1.0.9.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jimfs-1.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jobb-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jopt-simple-4.9.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jsilver-1.0.0.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jsr305-1.3.9.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jsr305-3.0.0.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
jython-standalone-2.5.3.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
kotlin-reflect-1.1.3-2.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
kotlin-stdlib-1.1.3-2.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
kxml2-2.3.0.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
layoutlib-api-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
lint-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
lint-api-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
lint-checks-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
lombok-ast-0.2.3.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
manifest-merger-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
monkeyrunner-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
org-eclipse-core-commands-3.6.0.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
org-eclipse-equinox-common-3.6.0.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
org-eclipse-jface-3.6.2.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
osgi-4.0.0.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
proguard-project.txt add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
protobuf-java-3.0.0.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
repository-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
screenshot2-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
sdk-common-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
sdklib-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
shared.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
swtmenubar-26.0.0-dev.jar add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
traceview-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
trove4j-20160824.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
uast-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
uiautomatorviewer-26.0.0-dev.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00
util-2.2.1.jar.REMOVED.git-id add all android install dependencies into android directory, based on, and changed some c/c++ compatibility issues that hopefully didn't break anything. Both linux and android build. haven't tested on android yet 2020-04-15 23:07:47 -07:00