#include "AircraftLabel.h" #include "Aircraft.h" #include "SDL2/SDL2_gfxPrimitives.h" static float sign(float x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0); } void AircraftLabel::update() { char flight[10] = ""; snprintf(flight,10," %s", p->flight); flightLabel.setText(flight); char alt[10] = ""; if (metric) { snprintf(alt,10," %dm", (int) (p->altitude / 3.2828)); } else { snprintf(alt,10," %d'", p->altitude); } altitudeLabel.setText(alt); char speed[10] = ""; if (metric) { snprintf(speed,10," %dkm/h", (int) (p->speed * 1.852)); } else { snprintf(speed,10," %dmph", p->speed); } speedLabel.setText(speed); } void AircraftLabel::clearAcceleration() { ddx = 0; ddy = 0; } void AircraftLabel::calculateForces(Aircraft *check_p) { int p_left = x; int p_right = x + w; int p_top = y; int p_bottom = y + h; float boxmid_x = (float)(p_left + p_right) / 2.0f; float boxmid_y = (float)(p_top + p_bottom) / 2.0f; float offset_x = boxmid_x - p->x; float offset_y = boxmid_y - p->y; float target_length_x = attachment_dist + w / 2.0f; float target_length_y = attachment_dist + h / 2.0f; // stay icon_dist away from own icon ddx -= sign(offset_x) * attachment_force * (fabs(offset_x) - target_length_x); ddy -= sign(offset_y) * attachment_force * (fabs(offset_y) - target_length_y); // // //screen edge if(p_left < edge_margin) { ddx += boundary_force * (float)(edge_margin - p_left); } if(p_right > screen_width - edge_margin) { ddx += boundary_force * (float)(screen_width - edge_margin - p_right); } if(p_top < edge_margin) { ddy += boundary_force * (float)(edge_margin - p_top); } if(p_bottom > screen_height - edge_margin) { ddy += boundary_force * (float)(screen_height - edge_margin - p_bottom); } float all_x = 0; float all_y = 0; int count = 0; //check against other labels float density_max = 0; while(check_p) { if(check_p->addr == p->addr) { check_p = check_p->next; continue; } if(!check_p->label) { check_p = check_p->next; continue; } //calculate density for label display level (inversely proportional to area of smallest box connecting this to neighbor) float density = 1.0 / (0.001f + fabs(x - check_p->label->x) * fabs (x - check_p->label->y)); if(density > density_max) { density_max = density; } density = 1.0 / (0.001f + fabs(x - check_p->x) * fabs(x - check_p->y)); if(density > density_max) { density_max = density; } int check_left = check_p->label->x; int check_right = check_p->label->x + check_p->label->w; int check_top = check_p->label->y; int check_bottom = check_p->label->y + check_p->label->h; float icon_x = (float)check_p->x; float icon_y = (float)check_p->y; float checkboxmid_x = (float)(check_left + check_right) / 2.0f; float checkboxmid_y = (float)(check_top + check_bottom) / 2.0f; float offset_x = boxmid_x - checkboxmid_x; float offset_y = boxmid_y - checkboxmid_y; float target_length_x = label_dist + (float)(check_p->label->w + w) / 2.0f; float target_length_y = label_dist + (float)(check_p->label->h + h) / 2.0f; float x_mag = std::max(0.0f,(target_length_x - fabs(offset_x))); float y_mag = std::max(0.0f,(target_length_y - fabs(offset_y))); // stay at least label_dist away from other icons if(x_mag > 0 && y_mag > 0) { ddx += sign(offset_x) * label_force * x_mag; ddy += sign(offset_y) * label_force * y_mag; } // stay at least icon_dist away from other icons offset_x = boxmid_x - check_p->x; offset_y = boxmid_y - check_p->y; target_length_x = icon_dist + (float)check_p->label->w / 2.0f; target_length_y = icon_dist + (float)check_p->label->h / 2.0f; x_mag = std::max(0.0f,(target_length_x - fabs(offset_x))); y_mag = std::max(0.0f,(target_length_y - fabs(offset_y))); if(x_mag > 0 && y_mag > 0) { ddx += sign(offset_x) * icon_force * x_mag; ddy += sign(offset_y) * icon_force * y_mag; } all_x += sign(boxmid_x - checkboxmid_x); all_y += sign(boxmid_y - checkboxmid_y); count++; check_p = check_p -> next; } // move away from others ddx += density_force * all_x / count; ddy += density_force * all_y / count; // label drawlevel hysteresis float density_mult = 100.0f; float level_rate = 0.0005f; if(labelLevel < -1.25f + density_mult * density_max) { labelLevel += level_rate; } else if (labelLevel > 0.5f + density_mult * density_max) { labelLevel -= level_rate; } } void AircraftLabel::applyForces() { dx += ddx; dy += ddy; dx *= damping_force; dy *= damping_force; if(fabs(dx) > velocity_limit) { dx = sign(dx) * velocity_limit; } if(fabs(dy) > velocity_limit) { dy = sign(dy) * velocity_limit; } if(fabs(dx) < 0.01f) { dx = 0; } if(fabs(dy) < 0.01f) { dy = 0; } x += dx; y += dy; // x = p->cx + (int)round(p->ox); // y = p->cy + (int)round(p->oy); } // SDL_Color signalToColor(int signal) { // SDL_Color planeColor; // if(signal > 127) { // signal = 127; // } // if(signal < 0) { // planeColor = setColor(96, 96, 96); // } else { // planeColor = setColor(parula[signal][0], parula[signal][1], parula[signal][2]); // } // return planeColor; // } // void View::drawSignalMarks(Aircraft *p, int x, int y) { // unsigned char * pSig = p->signalLevel; // unsigned int signalAverage = (pSig[0] + pSig[1] + pSig[2] + pSig[3] + // pSig[4] + pSig[5] + pSig[6] + pSig[7] + 3) >> 3; // SDL_Color barColor = signalToColor(signalAverage); // Uint8 seenFade; // if(elapsed(p->msSeen) < 1024) { // seenFade = (Uint8) (255.0 - elapsed(p->msSeen) / 4.0); // circleRGBA(renderer, x + mapFontWidth, y - 5, 2 * screen_uiscale, barColor.r, barColor.g, barColor.b, seenFade); // } // if(elapsed(p->msSeenLatLon) < 1024) { // seenFade = (Uint8) (255.0 - elapsed(p->msSeenLatLon) / 4.0); // hlineRGBA(renderer, x + mapFontWidth + 5 * screen_uiscale, x + mapFontWidth + 9 * screen_uiscale, y - 5, barColor.r, barColor.g, barColor.b, seenFade); // vlineRGBA(renderer, x + mapFontWidth + 7 * screen_uiscale, y - 2 * screen_uiscale - 5, y + 2 * screen_uiscale - 5, barColor.r, barColor.g, barColor.b, seenFade); // } // } void AircraftLabel::draw(SDL_Renderer *renderer, bool selected) { // //don't draw first time // if(x == 0 || y == 0) { // return; // } int totalWidth = 0; int totalHeight = 0; // int margin = 4 * screen_uiscale; int margin = 4; SDL_Rect outRect; if(opacity == 0 && labelLevel < 2) { target_opacity = 1.0f; } if(opacity > 0 && labelLevel >= 2) { target_opacity = 0.0f; } opacity += 0.25f * (target_opacity - opacity); if(opacity < 0.05f) { opacity = 0; } if(w != 0) { SDL_Color drawColor = style.labelLineColor; drawColor.a = (int) (255.0f * opacity); if(selected) { drawColor = style.selectedColor; } int tick = 4; int anchor_x, anchor_y, exit_x, exit_y; if(x + w / 2 > p->x) { anchor_x = x; } else { anchor_x = x + w; } if(y + h / 2 > p->y) { anchor_y = y - margin; } else { anchor_y = y + h + margin; } if(abs(anchor_x - p->x) > abs(anchor_y - p->y)) { exit_x = (anchor_x + p->x) / 2; exit_y = anchor_y; } else { exit_x = anchor_x; exit_y = (anchor_y + p->y) / 2; } Sint16 vx[3] = { static_cast(p->x), static_cast(exit_x), static_cast(anchor_x)}; Sint16 vy[3] = { static_cast(p->y), static_cast(exit_y), static_cast(anchor_y)}; boxRGBA(renderer, x, y, x + w, y + h, 0, 0, 0, 255); bezierRGBA(renderer, vx, vy, 3, 2, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); //lineRGBA(renderer, x,y - margin, x + tick, y - margin, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); lineRGBA(renderer, x,y - margin, x + w, y - margin, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); lineRGBA(renderer, x,y - margin, x, y - margin + tick, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); // lineRGBA(renderer, x + w, y - margin, x + w - tick, y - margin, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); lineRGBA(renderer, x + w, y - margin, x + w, y - margin + tick, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); //lineRGBA(renderer, x, y + h + margin, x + tick, y + h + margin, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); lineRGBA(renderer, x, y + h + margin, x + w, y + h + margin, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); lineRGBA(renderer, x, y + h + margin, x, y + h + margin - tick, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); // lineRGBA(renderer, x + w, y + h + margin,x + w - tick, y + h + margin, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); lineRGBA(renderer, x + w, y + h + margin,x + w, y + h + margin - tick, drawColor.r, drawColor.g, drawColor.b, drawColor.a); } if(labelLevel < 2 || selected) { // drawSignalMarks(p, x, y); SDL_Color drawColor = style.labelColor; drawColor.a = (int) (255.0f * opacity); flightLabel.setFGColor(drawColor); flightLabel.setPosition(x,y); flightLabel.draw(renderer); // outRect = drawString(flight, x, y, mapBoldFont, drawColor); outRect = flightLabel.getRect(); totalWidth = std::max(totalWidth,outRect.w); totalHeight += outRect.h; } if(labelLevel < 1 || selected) { SDL_Color drawColor = style.subLabelColor; drawColor.a = (int) (255.0f * opacity); altitudeLabel.setFGColor(drawColor); altitudeLabel.setPosition(x,y + totalHeight); altitudeLabel.draw(renderer); outRect = altitudeLabel.getRect(); totalWidth = std::max(totalWidth,outRect.w); totalHeight += outRect.h; speedLabel.setFGColor(drawColor); speedLabel.setPosition(x,y + totalHeight); speedLabel.draw(renderer); outRect = speedLabel.getRect(); totalWidth = std::max(totalWidth,outRect.w); totalHeight += outRect.h; } target_w = totalWidth; target_h = totalHeight; w += 0.25f * (target_w - w); h += 0.25f * (target_h - h); if(w < 0.05f) { w = 0; } if(h < 0.05f) { h = 0; } } AircraftLabel::AircraftLabel(Aircraft *p, bool metric, int screen_width, int screen_height, TTF_Font *font) { this->p = p; this->metric = metric; x = p->x; y = p->y + 20; //*screen_uiscale w = 0; h = 0; target_w = 0; target_h = 0; opacity = 0; target_opacity = 0; dx = 0; dy = 0; ddx = 0; ddy = 0; this->screen_width = screen_width; this->screen_height = screen_height; labelLevel = 0; flightLabel.setFont(font); altitudeLabel.setFont(font); speedLabel.setFont(font); }