# home this is my personal website. *This is a work in progress.* - No JavaScript - No crazy CSS - No videos - No bullshit - Just my words on the screen, so you better read them. ## me Tasia `(they/them)` - toucher of computers - abolisher of governments Assigned French at birth - UTC+1 I speak English and French. Feel free to provide constructive criticism if needed. I support FLOSS, anarchism, privacy and data sovereignty. Queer rights are human rights. Solarpunk is the only way to survive. ```geekcode -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d- s++:+ a--- C++ UL+++>++++ ++ P L+++ E-- W++ N- o? K- w-- O? M-- V? PS+++ PE-- Y+>++ PGP+ t? 5? X? R? !tv b+ DI? D+ G e h!>-- r++ z -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ``` ([?](https://web.archive.org/web/20090220181018/http://geekcode.com/geek.html)) ([decoded](https://mj.ucw.cz/geek/?code=GCS+d-+s%2b%2b%3a%2b+a---+C%2b%2b+UL%2b%2b%2b%3e%2b%2b+%2b%2b+P+L%2b%2b%2b+E--+W%2b%2b+N-+o%3f+K-+w--+O%3f+M--+V%3f+PS%2b%2b%2b+PE--+Y%2b%3e%2b%2b+PGP%2b+t%3f+5%3f+X%3f+R%3f+!tv+b%2b+DI%3f+D%2b+G+e+h!%3e--+r%2b%2b+z)) ## how to reach me - Keyoxide: [F8F903DAEE2CC83176C3CF4620AB0EB62F687865](https://keyoxide.org/F8F903DAEE2CC83176C3CF4620AB0EB62F687865) - Fediverse: [@tasiaiso@kitsunes.club](https://kitsunes.club/@tasiaiso) - Secure Scuttlebutt: `@KdAcmKPWpiu2jXSZD8ttS0IfU2KYDJZOqy8BHumsuM4=.ed25519` - SimpleX: [Contact address](https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F1OwYGt-yqOfe2IyVHhxz3ohqo3aCCMjtB-8wn4X_aoY%3D%40smp11.simplex.im%2FZGdUasaYks8FgQdxKt5hQyNP0KLevU-O%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAmnv6Lx_9akR5mNXFojrIffvqlZ6L_ANe626B6uKaNTM%253D%26srv%3D6ioorbm6i3yxmuoezrhjk6f6qgkc4syabh7m3so74xunb5nzr4pwgfqd.onion) - Matrix: `@tasiaiso:kitsunes.club` - E-Mail: `(my usual username)@proton.me` - PGP: [A485B7C43AEC514B50A00F96857B004418AA6255](static/pubkey.asc)