{ inputs, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager ]; users.users.tasia = { isNormalUser = true; description = "Tasia"; extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" "syncthing" "tss" "dialout" "vboxusers" "adbusers" ]; initialPassword = "password123"; }; home-manager.users.tasia = {pkgs, ...}: { home = { file = { ".zshrc".source = ../../dotfiles/.zshrc; ".bashrc".source = ../../dotfiles/.bashrc; ".shellrc".source = ../../dotfiles/.shellrc; ".config/btop/btop.conf".source = ../../dotfiles/btop.conf; ".gitconfig".source = ../../dotfiles/.gitconfig; ".librewolf/librewolf.overrides.cfg".source = ../../dotfiles/librewolf.overrides.cfg; # sway ".config/fontconfig/conf.d/01-font.conf".source = ../../dotfiles/sway-cave/fontconfig; ".config/foot/foot.ini".source = ../../dotfiles/sway-cave/foot-config.ini; ".config/sway/config".source = ../../dotfiles/sway-cave/sway-config; ".config/swaylock/config".source = ../../dotfiles/sway-cave/swaylock-config; ".config/waybar/config.jsonc".source = ../../dotfiles/sway-cave/waybar-config.jsonc; ".config/waybar/style.css".source = ../../dotfiles/sway-cave/waybar-style.css; }; shellAliases = { e = "nvim"; ee = "nvim $(fzf)"; g = "git"; # l = "ls"; lg = "lazygit"; ll = "lsd -al"; done = "curl -d 'Done' ntfy.sh/tasiaiso_done"; rebuild = "sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#$(cat /etc/hostname)"; }; packages = with pkgs; [ # Development rustc cargo nodejs yarn nodePackages.node-gyp nodePackages.node-pre-gyp openssl nodePackages.node-pre-gyp jdk17 # Dektop apps picard kleopatra # qbittorrent # tor-browser ssb-patchwork pixelorama # System utilities gocryptfs sirikali rpi-imager protonvpn-gui protonvpn-cli # home-manager lsof appimage-run zoxide fzf # atool # httpie # cowsay stress lazygit inxi # ssb-patchwork # xonotic # amfora # dive # endless-sky # obs-studio # kdenlive # wireshark # swig # radicle-cli # hurl https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl ]; # The state version is required and should stay at the version you # originally installed. stateVersion = "24.05"; }; }; }