{ pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ../../common/default.nix ../../common/full-install.nix ../../common/allow-unfree.nix ../../common/locales/en.nix ../../common/locales/fr-keymap.nix ../../common/hardware/intelcpu.nix ../../common/hardware/amdgpu.nix ../../common/de/plasma6.nix ../../common/de/hyprland.nix ../../common/packages/syncthing.nix ../../common/packages/adguardhome.nix # If you want to use modules your own flake exports (from modules/nixos): # outputs.nixosModules.example ../../modules/nixos/vedirect-reader.nix # Or modules from other flakes (such as nixos-hardware): # inputs.hardware.nixosModules.common-cpu-amd # inputs.hardware.nixosModules.common-ssd ]; boot = { kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; # boot.kernelModules = [ "fuse" "kvm-intel" "coretemp" ]; }; networking = { hostName = "phoenix"; firewall = { enable = true; allowedTCPPorts = [ 8080 # ? 12345 # tildefriends 13378 # audiobookshelf ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 8080 # ? ]; }; }; users.users.user = { isNormalUser = true; description = "User"; extraGroups = ["networkmanager" "wheel" "syncthing"]; initialPassword = "correcthorsebatterystaple"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ # TODO: Add your SSH public key(s) here, if you plan on using SSH to connect ]; }; services.btrfs.autoScrub = { enable = true; interval = "weekly"; fileSystems = ["/" "/data"]; }; # services.vedirect-reader.enable = true; virtualisation.docker.enable = true; services.flatpak.enable = false; # Some programs need SUID wrappers, can be configured further or are # started in user sessions. programs.mtr.enable = true; programs.gnupg.agent = { enable = true; enableSSHSupport = true; }; programs.steam = { enable = true; remotePlay.openFirewall = false; # Open ports in the firewall for Steam Remote Play dedicatedServer.openFirewall = false; # Open ports in the firewall for Source Dedicated Server }; services.syncthing = { dataDir = lib.mkForce "/home/user"; configDir = lib.mkForce "/data/sync/configuration/"; }; # Needed to build enry boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ bitwarden nextdns # android-tools gocryptfs #endless-sky #gnucash # obs-studio # kdenlive rustc cargo nodejs rpi-imager # wireshark # appimage-run #ssb-patchwork simplex-chat-desktop #android-studio #swig picard kleopatra qbittorrent tor-browser protonvpn-gui # radicle-cli # opensnitch-ui yarn nodePackages.node-gyp nodePackages.node-pre-gyp # superTuxKart openssl # qgis helix holehe smartmontools cheat lazygit ripgrep jq yq neofetch tldr bat dust powertop fzf atuin zellij eza lapce gotty gping yazi tildefriends ]; # https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/When_do_I_update_stateVersion system.stateVersion = "23.05"; }