refactor: plugins

This commit is contained in:
alex8088 2022-11-08 20:17:22 +08:00
parent 28d069c453
commit 10f5ae64a3
7 changed files with 346 additions and 367 deletions

View file

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
// Inspired by
import path from 'node:path'
import { spawn } from 'node:child_process'
import { getElectronPath } from './electron'
const getBytecodeCompilerPath = (): string => {
return path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', 'electron-vite', 'bin', 'electron-bytecode.js')
export function compileToBytecode(code: string): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let data = Buffer.from([])
const electronPath = getElectronPath()
const bytecodePath = getBytecodeCompilerPath()
const proc = spawn(electronPath, [bytecodePath], {
env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: '1' },
stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc']
if (proc.stdin) {
if (proc.stdout) {
proc.stdout.on('data', chunk => {
data = Buffer.concat([data, chunk])
proc.stdout.on('error', err => {
proc.stdout.on('end', () => {
if (proc.stderr) {
proc.stderr.on('data', chunk => {
console.error('Error: ', chunk.toString())
proc.stderr.on('error', err => {
console.error('Error: ', err)
proc.addListener('message', message => console.log(message))
proc.addListener('error', err => console.error(err))
proc.on('error', err => reject(err))
proc.on('exit', () => {
export const bytecodeModuleLoaderCode = [
`"use strict";`,
`const fs = require("fs");`,
`const path = require("path");`,
`const vm = require("vm");`,
`const v8 = require("v8");`,
`const Module = require("module");`,
`const FLAG_HASH_OFFSET = 12;`,
`const SOURCE_HASH_OFFSET = 8;`,
`let dummyBytecode;`,
`function setFlagHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer) {`,
` if (!dummyBytecode) {`,
` const script = new vm.Script("", {`,
` produceCachedData: true`,
` });`,
` dummyBytecode = script.createCachedData();`,
` }`,
` dummyBytecode.slice(FLAG_HASH_OFFSET, FLAG_HASH_OFFSET + 4).copy(bytecodeBuffer, FLAG_HASH_OFFSET);`,
`function getSourceHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer) {`,
` return bytecodeBuffer.slice(SOURCE_HASH_OFFSET, SOURCE_HASH_OFFSET + 4);`,
`function buffer2Number(buffer) {`,
` let ret = 0;`,
` ret |= buffer[3] << 24;`,
` ret |= buffer[2] << 16;`,
` ret |= buffer[1] << 8;`,
` ret |= buffer[0];`,
` return ret;`,
`Module._extensions[".jsc"] = function (module, filename) {`,
` const bytecodeBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filename);`,
` if (!Buffer.isBuffer(bytecodeBuffer)) {`,
` throw new Error("BytecodeBuffer must be a buffer object.");`,
` }`,
` setFlagHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer);`,
` const length = buffer2Number(getSourceHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer));`,
` let dummyCode = "";`,
` if (length > 1) {`,
` dummyCode = "\\"" + "\\u200b".repeat(length - 2) + "\\"";`,
` }`,
` const script = new vm.Script(dummyCode, {`,
` filename: filename,`,
` lineOffset: 0,`,
` displayErrors: true,`,
` cachedData: bytecodeBuffer`,
` });`,
` if (script.cachedDataRejected) {`,
` throw new Error("Invalid or incompatible cached data (cachedDataRejected)");`,
` }`,
` const require = function (id) {`,
` return module.require(id);`,
` };`,
` require.resolve = function (request, options) {`,
` return Module._resolveFilename(request, module, false, options);`,
` };`,
` if (process.mainModule) {`,
` require.main = process.mainModule;`,
` }`,
` require.extensions = Module._extensions;`,
` require.cache = Module._cache;`,
` const compiledWrapper = script.runInThisContext({`,
` filename: filename,`,
` lineOffset: 0,`,
` columnOffset: 0,`,
` displayErrors: true`,
` });`,
` const dirname = path.dirname(filename);`,
` const args = [module.exports, require, module, filename, dirname, process, global];`,
` return compiledWrapper.apply(module.exports, args);`,

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {
} from 'vite' } from 'vite'
import { build } from 'esbuild' import { build } from 'esbuild'
import { electronMainVitePlugin, electronPreloadVitePlugin, electronRendererVitePlugin } from './plugin' import { electronMainVitePlugin, electronPreloadVitePlugin, electronRendererVitePlugin } from './plugins/electron'
import workerPlugin from './plugins/worker' import workerPlugin from './plugins/worker'
import { isObject, dynamicImport } from './utils' import { isObject, dynamicImport } from './utils'

View file

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ export * from './config'
export { createServer } from './server' export { createServer } from './server'
export { build } from './build' export { build } from './build'
export { preview } from './preview' export { preview } from './preview'
export * from './plugin' export * from './plugins/bytecode'
export { compileToBytecode } from './bytecode' export * from './plugins/externalizeDeps'
export * from './swc' export * from './plugins/swc'

src/plugins/bytecode.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
import path from 'node:path'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { spawn } from 'node:child_process'
import colors from 'picocolors'
import { type Plugin, type ResolvedConfig, normalizePath } from 'vite'
import * as babel from '@babel/core'
import { getElectronPath } from '../electron'
// Inspired by
function getBytecodeCompilerPath(): string {
return path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', 'electron-vite', 'bin', 'electron-bytecode.js')
function compileToBytecode(code: string): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let data = Buffer.from([])
const electronPath = getElectronPath()
const bytecodePath = getBytecodeCompilerPath()
const proc = spawn(electronPath, [bytecodePath], {
env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: '1' },
stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc']
if (proc.stdin) {
if (proc.stdout) {
proc.stdout.on('data', chunk => {
data = Buffer.concat([data, chunk])
proc.stdout.on('error', err => {
proc.stdout.on('end', () => {
if (proc.stderr) {
proc.stderr.on('data', chunk => {
console.error('Error: ', chunk.toString())
proc.stderr.on('error', err => {
console.error('Error: ', err)
proc.addListener('message', message => console.log(message))
proc.addListener('error', err => console.error(err))
proc.on('error', err => reject(err))
proc.on('exit', () => {
const bytecodeModuleLoaderCode = [
`"use strict";`,
`const fs = require("fs");`,
`const path = require("path");`,
`const vm = require("vm");`,
`const v8 = require("v8");`,
`const Module = require("module");`,
`const FLAG_HASH_OFFSET = 12;`,
`const SOURCE_HASH_OFFSET = 8;`,
`let dummyBytecode;`,
`function setFlagHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer) {`,
` if (!dummyBytecode) {`,
` const script = new vm.Script("", {`,
` produceCachedData: true`,
` });`,
` dummyBytecode = script.createCachedData();`,
` }`,
` dummyBytecode.slice(FLAG_HASH_OFFSET, FLAG_HASH_OFFSET + 4).copy(bytecodeBuffer, FLAG_HASH_OFFSET);`,
`function getSourceHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer) {`,
` return bytecodeBuffer.slice(SOURCE_HASH_OFFSET, SOURCE_HASH_OFFSET + 4);`,
`function buffer2Number(buffer) {`,
` let ret = 0;`,
` ret |= buffer[3] << 24;`,
` ret |= buffer[2] << 16;`,
` ret |= buffer[1] << 8;`,
` ret |= buffer[0];`,
` return ret;`,
`Module._extensions[".jsc"] = function (module, filename) {`,
` const bytecodeBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filename);`,
` if (!Buffer.isBuffer(bytecodeBuffer)) {`,
` throw new Error("BytecodeBuffer must be a buffer object.");`,
` }`,
` setFlagHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer);`,
` const length = buffer2Number(getSourceHashHeader(bytecodeBuffer));`,
` let dummyCode = "";`,
` if (length > 1) {`,
` dummyCode = "\\"" + "\\u200b".repeat(length - 2) + "\\"";`,
` }`,
` const script = new vm.Script(dummyCode, {`,
` filename: filename,`,
` lineOffset: 0,`,
` displayErrors: true,`,
` cachedData: bytecodeBuffer`,
` });`,
` if (script.cachedDataRejected) {`,
` throw new Error("Invalid or incompatible cached data (cachedDataRejected)");`,
` }`,
` const require = function (id) {`,
` return module.require(id);`,
` };`,
` require.resolve = function (request, options) {`,
` return Module._resolveFilename(request, module, false, options);`,
` };`,
` if (process.mainModule) {`,
` require.main = process.mainModule;`,
` }`,
` require.extensions = Module._extensions;`,
` require.cache = Module._cache;`,
` const compiledWrapper = script.runInThisContext({`,
` filename: filename,`,
` lineOffset: 0,`,
` columnOffset: 0,`,
` displayErrors: true`,
` });`,
` const dirname = path.dirname(filename);`,
` const args = [module.exports, require, module, filename, dirname, process, global];`,
` return compiledWrapper.apply(module.exports, args);`,
export interface BytecodeOptions {
chunkAlias?: string | string[]
transformArrowFunctions?: boolean
removeBundleJS?: boolean
* Compile to v8 bytecode to protect source code.
export function bytecodePlugin(options: BytecodeOptions = {}): Plugin | null {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV_ELECTRON_VITE !== 'production') {
return null
const { chunkAlias = [], transformArrowFunctions = true, removeBundleJS = true } = options
const _chunkAlias = Array.isArray(chunkAlias) ? chunkAlias : [chunkAlias]
const transformAllChunks = _chunkAlias.length === 0
const bytecodeChunks: string[] = []
const nonEntryChunks: string[] = []
const _transform = (code: string): string => {
const re = babel.transform(code, {
plugins: ['@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions']
return re.code || ''
const requireBytecodeLoaderStr = '"use strict";\nrequire("./bytecode-loader.js");'
let config: ResolvedConfig
let useInRenderer = false
let bytecodeFiles: { name: string; size: number }[] = []
return {
name: 'vite:bytecode',
apply: 'build',
enforce: 'post',
configResolved(resolvedConfig): void {
config = resolvedConfig
useInRenderer = config.plugins.some(p => === 'vite:electron-renderer-preset-config')
if (useInRenderer) {
config.logger.warn(colors.yellow('bytecodePlugin is not support renderers'))
renderChunk(code, chunk): { code: string } | null {
if (useInRenderer) {
return null
if (!transformAllChunks) {
const isBytecodeChunk = _chunkAlias.some(alias => chunk.fileName.startsWith(alias))
if (isBytecodeChunk) {
if (!chunk.isEntry) {
if (transformArrowFunctions) {
return {
code: _transform(code)
} else {
if (chunk.type === 'chunk') {
if (!chunk.isEntry) {
if (transformArrowFunctions) {
return {
code: _transform(code)
return null
generateBundle(): void {
if (!useInRenderer && bytecodeChunks.length) {
type: 'asset',
source: bytecodeModuleLoaderCode.join('\n') + '\n',
name: 'Bytecode Loader File',
fileName: 'bytecode-loader.js'
async writeBundle(options, output): Promise<void> {
if (useInRenderer || bytecodeChunks.length === 0) {
const bundles = Object.keys(output)
const outDir = options.dir!
bytecodeFiles = []
await Promise.all( name => {
const chunk = output[name]
if (chunk.type === 'chunk') {
let _code = chunk.code
nonEntryChunks.forEach(bcc => {
if (bcc !== name) {
const reg = new RegExp(bcc, 'g')
_code = _code.replace(reg, `${bcc}c`)
const chunkFileName = path.resolve(outDir, name)
if (bytecodeChunks.includes(name)) {
const bytecodeBuffer = await compileToBytecode(_code)
const bytecodeFileName = path.resolve(outDir, name + 'c')
fs.writeFileSync(bytecodeFileName, bytecodeBuffer)
if (chunk.isEntry) {
if (!removeBundleJS) {
const newFileName = path.resolve(outDir, `_${name}`)
fs.renameSync(chunkFileName, newFileName)
const code = requireBytecodeLoaderStr + `\nrequire("./${normalizePath(name + 'c')}");\n`
fs.writeFileSync(chunkFileName, code)
} else {
if (removeBundleJS) {
} else {
const newFileName = path.resolve(outDir, `_${name}`)
fs.renameSync(chunkFileName, newFileName)
bytecodeFiles.push({ name: name + 'c', size: bytecodeBuffer.length })
} else {
if (chunk.isEntry) {
_code = _code.replace('"use strict";', requireBytecodeLoaderStr)
fs.writeFileSync(chunkFileName, _code)
closeBundle(): void {
if (!useInRenderer) {
const chunkLimit =
const outDir = normalizePath(path.relative(config.root, path.resolve(config.root, + '/'`${``)} ${bytecodeFiles.length} bundles compiled into bytecode.`)
let longest = 0
bytecodeFiles.forEach(file => {
const len =
if (len > longest) longest = len
bytecodeFiles.forEach(file => {
const kibs = file.size / 1024
`${colors.gray(colors.white(colors.dim(outDir)))}${ + 2))} ${
kibs > chunkLimit ? colors.yellow(`${kibs.toFixed(2)} KiB`) : colors.dim(`${kibs.toFixed(2)} KiB`)
bytecodeFiles = []

View file

@ -1,27 +1,14 @@
import path from 'node:path' import path from 'node:path'
import fs from 'node:fs' import fs from 'node:fs'
import { builtinModules } from 'node:module'
import colors from 'picocolors' import colors from 'picocolors'
import { builtinModules, createRequire } from 'node:module' import { type Plugin, mergeConfig, normalizePath } from 'vite'
import { type Plugin, type ResolvedConfig, mergeConfig, normalizePath } from 'vite' import { getElectronNodeTarget, getElectronChromeTarget } from '../electron'
import { getElectronNodeTarget, getElectronChromeTarget } from './electron'
import { compileToBytecode, bytecodeModuleLoaderCode } from './bytecode'
import * as babel from '@babel/core'
export interface ElectronPluginOptions { export interface ElectronPluginOptions {
root?: string root?: string
} }
export interface BytecodeOptions {
chunkAlias?: string | string[]
transformArrowFunctions?: boolean
removeBundleJS?: boolean
export interface ExternalOptions {
exclude?: string[]
include?: string[]
function findLibEntry(root: string, scope: string): string { function findLibEntry(root: string, scope: string): string {
for (const name of ['index', scope]) { for (const name of ['index', scope]) {
for (const ext of ['js', 'ts', 'mjs', 'cjs']) { for (const ext of ['js', 'ts', 'mjs', 'cjs']) {
@ -290,218 +277,3 @@ export function electronRendererVitePlugin(options?: ElectronPluginOptions): Plu
} }
] ]
} }
export function electronConfigServeVitePlugin(options: {
configFile: string
configFileDependencies: string[]
}): Plugin {
const getShortName = (file: string, root: string): string => {
return file.startsWith(root + '/') ? path.posix.relative(root, file) : file
return {
name: 'vite:electron-config-serve',
apply: 'serve',
handleHotUpdate({ file, server }): void {
const { config } = server
const logger = config.logger
const shortFile = getShortName(file, config.root)
const isConfig = file === options.configFile
const isConfigDependency = options.configFileDependencies.some(name => file === path.resolve(name))
if (isConfig || isConfigDependency) {`[config change] ${colors.dim(shortFile)}`)`${path.relative(process.cwd(), file)} changed, restarting server...`), {
clear: true,
timestamp: true
try {
} catch (e) {
logger.error('failed to restart server'), { error: e as Error })
export function bytecodePlugin(options: BytecodeOptions = {}): Plugin | null {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV_ELECTRON_VITE !== 'production') {
return null
const { chunkAlias = [], transformArrowFunctions = true, removeBundleJS = true } = options
const _chunkAlias = Array.isArray(chunkAlias) ? chunkAlias : [chunkAlias]
const transformAllChunks = _chunkAlias.length === 0
const bytecodeChunks: string[] = []
const nonEntryChunks: string[] = []
const _transform = (code: string): string => {
const re = babel.transform(code, {
plugins: ['@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions']
return re.code || ''
const requireBytecodeLoaderStr = '"use strict";\nrequire("./bytecode-loader.js");'
let config: ResolvedConfig
let useInRenderer = false
let bytecodeFiles: { name: string; size: number }[] = []
return {
name: 'vite:bytecode',
apply: 'build',
enforce: 'post',
configResolved(resolvedConfig): void {
config = resolvedConfig
useInRenderer = config.plugins.some(p => === 'vite:electron-renderer-preset-config')
if (useInRenderer) {
config.logger.warn(colors.yellow('bytecodePlugin is not support renderers'))
renderChunk(code, chunk): { code: string } | null {
if (useInRenderer) {
return null
if (!transformAllChunks) {
const isBytecodeChunk = _chunkAlias.some(alias => chunk.fileName.startsWith(alias))
if (isBytecodeChunk) {
if (!chunk.isEntry) {
if (transformArrowFunctions) {
return {
code: _transform(code)
} else {
if (chunk.type === 'chunk') {
if (!chunk.isEntry) {
if (transformArrowFunctions) {
return {
code: _transform(code)
return null
generateBundle(): void {
if (!useInRenderer && bytecodeChunks.length) {
type: 'asset',
source: bytecodeModuleLoaderCode.join('\n') + '\n',
name: 'Bytecode Loader File',
fileName: 'bytecode-loader.js'
async writeBundle(options, output): Promise<void> {
if (useInRenderer || bytecodeChunks.length === 0) {
const bundles = Object.keys(output)
const outDir = options.dir!
bytecodeFiles = []
await Promise.all( name => {
const chunk = output[name]
if (chunk.type === 'chunk') {
let _code = chunk.code
nonEntryChunks.forEach(bcc => {
if (bcc !== name) {
const reg = new RegExp(bcc, 'g')
_code = _code.replace(reg, `${bcc}c`)
const chunkFileName = path.resolve(outDir, name)
if (bytecodeChunks.includes(name)) {
const bytecodeBuffer = await compileToBytecode(_code)
const bytecodeFileName = path.resolve(outDir, name + 'c')
fs.writeFileSync(bytecodeFileName, bytecodeBuffer)
if (chunk.isEntry) {
if (!removeBundleJS) {
const newFileName = path.resolve(outDir, `_${name}`)
fs.renameSync(chunkFileName, newFileName)
const code = requireBytecodeLoaderStr + `\nrequire("./${normalizePath(name + 'c')}");\n`
fs.writeFileSync(chunkFileName, code)
} else {
if (removeBundleJS) {
} else {
const newFileName = path.resolve(outDir, `_${name}`)
fs.renameSync(chunkFileName, newFileName)
bytecodeFiles.push({ name: name + 'c', size: bytecodeBuffer.length })
} else {
if (chunk.isEntry) {
_code = _code.replace('"use strict";', requireBytecodeLoaderStr)
fs.writeFileSync(chunkFileName, _code)
closeBundle(): void {
if (!useInRenderer) {
const chunkLimit =
const outDir = normalizePath(path.relative(config.root, path.resolve(config.root, + '/'`${``)} ${bytecodeFiles.length} bundles compiled into bytecode.`)
let longest = 0
bytecodeFiles.forEach(file => {
const len =
if (len > longest) longest = len
bytecodeFiles.forEach(file => {
const kibs = file.size / 1024
`${colors.gray(colors.white(colors.dim(outDir)))}${ + 2))} ${
kibs > chunkLimit ? colors.yellow(`${kibs.toFixed(2)} KiB`) : colors.dim(`${kibs.toFixed(2)} KiB`)
bytecodeFiles = []
* Automatically externalize dependencies
export function externalizeDepsPlugin(options: ExternalOptions = {}): Plugin | null {
const { exclude = [], include = [] } = options
const packagePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'package.json')
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url)
const pkg = require(packagePath)
let deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {})
if (include.length) {
deps = deps.concat(include)
if (exclude.length) {
deps = deps.filter(dep => !exclude.includes(dep))
return {
name: 'vite:externalize-deps',
enforce: 'pre',
config(config): void {
const defaultConfig = {
build: {
rollupOptions: {
external: [ Set(deps)]
const buildConfig = mergeConfig(, || {}) = buildConfig

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import path from 'node:path'
import { createRequire } from 'node:module'
import { type Plugin, mergeConfig } from 'vite'
export interface ExternalOptions {
exclude?: string[]
include?: string[]
* Automatically externalize dependencies
export function externalizeDepsPlugin(options: ExternalOptions = {}): Plugin | null {
const { exclude = [], include = [] } = options
const packagePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'package.json')
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url)
const pkg = require(packagePath)
let deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {})
if (include.length) {
deps = deps.concat(include)
if (exclude.length) {
deps = deps.filter(dep => !exclude.includes(dep))
return {
name: 'vite:externalize-deps',
enforce: 'pre',
config(config): void {
const defaultConfig = {
build: {
rollupOptions: {
external: [ Set(deps)]
const buildConfig = mergeConfig(, || {}) = buildConfig

View file

@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ export type SwcOptions = {
transformOptions?: TransformConfig transformOptions?: TransformConfig
} }
* Use SWC to support for emitting type metadata for decorators.
* When using `swcPlugin`, you need to install `@swc/core`.
export function swcPlugin(options: SwcOptions = {}): Plugin { export function swcPlugin(options: SwcOptions = {}): Plugin {
const filter = createFilter(options.include || /\.(m?ts|[jt]sx)$/, options.exclude || /\.js$/) const filter = createFilter(options.include || /\.(m?ts|[jt]sx)$/, options.exclude || /\.js$/)
let sourcemap: boolean | 'inline' = false let sourcemap: boolean | 'inline' = false